Assumptions by a Introspecting Procrastinator.

Just like any other flower, 
    all flowers are meant to grow.
just like any other animal, 
    all animals are meant to cry.
just like any other person, 
    all persons are meant to die.

| Flowers |

It's basically a life cycle.

Our life is a bicycle, uniquely shaped, moulded with fine arts and mechanics.

We all are planted, grown and bloomed like flowers, meant for a purpose, to live life.

Life has tremendous things ahead of all of us, but it's on us how to live it, wrong or right.

When that flower is born, it's not matured and not harvested.

But slowly, we all learn and experience, which enhances our build.

We grow with different situations, lifestyles, education, environments and people.

People like our friends, family and strangers.

These important objects and people shape you, even your dreams and achievements do. 

Over the years we come across just a fraction of life, 
which teaches you, 
shows you, 
tells you, 
creates you
and most importantly, kills you.

By the word 'kill' i don't literally mean kill, but I also do; 

Drugs, alcohol, love, people, evil, actions, karma and death. 

Your actions have an equal or an opposite reaction.

It may not be you, but it can be something or someone else because of you.

| Death |

Our death is either our end and our beginning

Some could term it as sadistic profound happiness.

Why? I'll tell you why.

A person comes in this life for a purpose. After serving that purpose he is meant to die, no one's immortal. 

He dies for a reason; his birth can also be the cause for his death.

People believe in Life after death.

  I believe in many things, life after death can be In two forms. 

One - Actual dying and then reborn in another form or soul for another purpose, to complete your previous purpose (you must've died because it was someone else's purpose to kill you)

Two - Or to serve your punishment for your sins and deeds in your previous life.

if life was a math problem; 

Life = death.

Just like x =  y, 
we still don't know why.

Life isn't easy, life is not short or maybe it is. It's on you how you live it. 

Life is boring, 
life is complicated,
life is happiness,
life is taxing, 
but life is death.

I am not treating life as a negative aspect of life itself, that would just be the end of me.

Even life has a life. Let's just treat it beautifully, and happily, even though whatever it sets us through, give it a shot, who knows, these deeds or sins committed, .it's a life of purpose.

After all, is it even worth it?

- ThinkerInkedOut


Oscarpotterhead said…
Now I know why you stay mum most of the times.
This is brilliant.
Write more.
Maybe find the time to talk more too..
ThinkerInkedOut said…
Thanks Ships, I willl!

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