The Mosiac Mind

There's this silence instilled in me,
Where I can't feel nor say,
It's almost about nothing and everything at the same time,
curling up on the edge of my tongue, urging, to its last breath to lash out.

My blood has felt almost every color of war and peace,
whether it's white, black or blue.
For we all think it's red, but that's only what we see.

My eyes can't conjure whats real or fake,
Everything seems too vague and fragile to me,
Where clarity is far far away from home,
too dazed out from reality,
Parallel I sit in awe,
Whether if this all makes sense,
For this is the life, we've all been living,
Sinning to our last breath,
Without any meaning,
For this is just a show,
For our eyes to see,
Our body to feel,
Our ears to hear,
And our minds to bleed.

- ThinkerInkedOut 



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